Aaaw :3

El día de hoy, Mimi me mostro esto y me pareció hermoso y me puse a llorar... no se que me pasa últimamente que estoy con la lágrima a flor de piel...

No sé de quién sea esta mini historieta, pero que sepa que es mi ídolo Ü y de alguna forma me recordó mi historietita chafa que les subí hace ratin, sin más se los comparto para que la disfruten como yo.

1 divagad@s comentarón:

Anónimo dijo...

More than you know, more than you know
Lately I find you're on my mind
More than you know

Whether I'm right, whether I'm wrong
I need you so
More than you know, more than you know

Loving you the way that I do
There's nothing I can do about it
And a little bit of love that I get
May be all that you can give
But I can't live without it

Oh how I'd cry, oh how I'd cry
If you got tired and said, "Goodbye"
More than I'd show
More than you'd ever, ever know
More than you know
More than you'd ever, ever know
More than you know

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